Friday, September 9, 2011

Sullivan's Island

The World Caving In

Strutting His Stuff

Mini Crab on Sand Dollar


Sullivan's Island at high tide

Little Perspective 

Years of work

Hello :) 

Free Flying

Island Life 


Historic Landing - Sully's Island

Rotating the World 

Isle Of The Palms - D300s, 2010

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fort Dorchester Historical Site

We currently live in, North Charleston, South Carolina. There is so much history here! Right down the road from us there is the, Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site. It runs along the Ashley River and was a hot spot trading town in its day... (1697 - the Revolutionary War) 

The structure you see is what is left of the old brick bell tower of, St. George’s Anglican Church. It was built in 1751 In one of the pictures you see a long wall -- the wall and bell tower are made of oyster-shell concrete mixture called, tabby. 

I like to go here to just get away. Most of the time it is quiet, but they do hold reenactments from time to time. There is a $2.00 per person admittance fee. You can go here to learn more: 

© E.L.T. Photography

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Raven(s)

During the family vacation to, Bryce Canyon, Utah - I was lucky enough to encounter these two bickering ravens! They reminded me of an old married couple I know... That and they screamed irony to Edgar Allan Poe’s, The Raven. 

© E.L.T. Photography 

Chic Antiques & Company

Growing up our Sunday’s consisted of 4 things: church, a good lunch, antiquing, and naps. Every Sunday I could be assured I would get some, daddy time. We would go to church together, have lunch among friends together, but when it came to the antique shops... for some reason my mother and sister would disappear... leaving me and daddy to sift through the isles, and sometimes piles, of, “ancient history”. It always intrigued me the treasures you could find and the things you could learn... And to this day, I will randomly stop at some random antique shop - just to grasp the familiarity of those special times spent with my, father. 

This particular antique shop is located in Columbia, South Carolina. I would have to say its one of the more interesting shops I’ve been too. What made this trip really special was I had my mother, father, sister & son with me! If you are in the area and need a good place to explore and find some real good finds -- this would be the place. They have everything from signed sports memorabilia, carousels, Steinway pianos ... amazing furniture and paintings... 


Chic Antiques & Company, is located: 

602 Huger Street, Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 765-1584 

© E.L.T. Photography